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AB Biller spearfishing gear is made right here in the USA. Their products feature stainless steel trigger mechanisms, beautiful wooden barrels, and more. AB Biller provides high quality spearguns and spearfishing gear for the true spearo enthusiast. Spearfishermen and women around the world enjoy A.B. Biller spearfishing products, and as soon as you use one of these quality spearguns you'll understand why.
AB Biller spearguns and accessories, proudly crafted in the U.S.A. and used worldwide by discriminating spearos, is among the most respected names in spearfishing. Every AB Biller speargun features a stainless steel trigger mechanism for total reliability and a smooth, even trigger pull that's so often the difference between a miss and a hit. Wooden speargun models are constructed from high grade, hand-selected lengths of grooved mahogany, teak, or padauk. Wooden barrels provide pinpoint accuracy, easy underwater maneuverability (thanks to neutral buoyancy), and absorb 80% of the firing noise. Wooden spearguns are like metal spearguns with a silencer! Experienced and successful spearfishers know the importance of silence when stalking their prey.
AB Biller spearguns use a stainless spring steel shaft 5/16 inches in diameter made from a unique alloy originally developed for the U.S. Navy's SEAL teams. Their gear must endure some of the worst conditions for manufactured products: salt water, temperature variations, and long periods without careful maintenance -- all qualities absolutely ideal in a speargun. Two 9/16″ natural rubber slings, with a unique stainless steel swiveling wishbone and a hardened stainless spring steel double barb swivel tip, are the world-class accessories included with AB Biller spearguns. The AB Biller Company manufactures spearguns in many varieties and for many national and US state spearfishing champions. When you use the same gear as a gold-medal spearo, you know you're on the right track!
All AB Biller spearguns are equipped with stainless spring steel shafts, machined with a 6mm thread to fit the complete line of AB Biller speartips. These shafts are manufactured to fit only A.B. Biller spearguns. When inserting a shaft into the gun make sure it is engaged properly into the trigger mechanism and safety lever is turned to safe position. Only then may the rubber slings be pulled to their position on the shaft. The first band into the rear slot on the shaft. Speartips must never be threaded and tightened onto the shaft while in the gun, as the trigger mechanism may incur damage.
AB Biller spearguns are virtually maintenance-free. However, we recommend several procedures to ensure your speargun stays trouble-free for decades. Wash with fresh water and allow to fully dry after each use. The spring steel shaft should be lightly oiled periodically. Guns should be stored in a dry cool place. Rubber slings stay supple nearly forever if you put them in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator.